Broome Road residents block access for site welfare unit


Residents of Broome Road in Southport today continued their fight against Sefton Council and Sandway Homes. Vehicles were used to block the entrance to the patch of land that was bulldozed yesterday in preparation for a survey to build 200 new homes. At one stage the Police were called but they never turned up. The wildlife officer has been contacted.

Much to their surprise mid morning a truck pulling a welfare unit turned up. The people from the hire company pleaded with residents to allow them access to the site The residents refused to move the vehicles.

The site has no warning signs saying the protective gear must be worn.

Eventually the men with the welfare unit had to call the tow truck back to remove it as it was blocking access to Broome Close. The welfare unit was taken back to its depot in Broomhall, Nantwich, Cheshire,

Watch this space as the story unfolds.
