Cllr. John Pugh Sheds Light on Southport GP Access Challenges


GP access continues to be a hot topic with many residents continuing to experience difficulties getting through to their GP for a timely appointment.


Delayed access can mean late referral for hospital appointments which can have implications for final outcomes- particularly when the GP picks up symptoms that need urgent investigation. It is an issue that the Liberal Democrats have campaigned on calling for patients to have a right to see a GP within 7 days.

Now local Liberal Democrat ,Cllr. John Pugh who has worked on these issues on Sefton’s Health Scrutiny committee has put together information available from the NHS as part of their latest GP Patient Survey that puts in perspective the whole issue as seen locally. 

Data has been collated from patients' responses showing how access varies across Southport. Cllr.Pugh took the results from three specific questions and put them in table form. 

The three questions were - (1) is it easy to get through by phone (2) are receptionists helpful and (3) are you satisfied with the appointments available.

“ The picture is very mixed, “ says Cllr Pugh, “and all data must be treated with caution as response rates from patients differ from practice to practice. You can’t conclude anything either from the figures compiled here much about the quality of care you get when you actually make it into the surgery. 

But the figures show significant variations and you can compare them with the national average. Generally, as you would hope, Southport practices score better than average, but within that the variations show that some practices are struggling more than others with access. One practice has a receptionist teams that scores 99% for helpfulness and must have the patience of saints, but another practice has only 16% satisfied with phone access. 

These figures are all the public domain but bringing them together helps identify pinch points on an issue which most of the public have strong views on. “

"There is really no scope for complacency when it comes to timely access to our GP - the gatekeepers to the rest of the NHS. “ says Cllr.Pugh.



