Council are reminding people that balloon and lantern releases are not permitted along the Southport and Sefton coast


Sefton Council are reminding residents that lantern and balloon releases are not permitted across the borough. The ban was introduced to protect Sefton’s 22-mile coastline and greenspaces.

Sky Lantern and Balloon Releases

Many people are unknowing of the dangerous impact sky lantern and balloon releases have on wildlife and the environment.

As Newton put it, ‘What goes up, must come down’ and once released, sky lanterns and balloons become a form of littering, as well as a serious fire hazard and danger to animals through suffocation, ingestion, or entanglement.

Sefton Council is one of 100 other local authorities across Great Britain listed on the Marine Conservation Society ‘Don't Let Go’ campaign website, because it has banned balloon and sky lantern releases owing to the environmental and wildlife damage they cause.

This activity also falls under the Council’s new Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) and those participating in sky lantern or balloon releases could face a fixed penalty fine.  

People can find out more by heading to

Impact on Wildlife and Environment

Sefton’s sand dune system is one the largest in the country. This environment is recognised as one of the most important dune habitats in North-west Europe and is a designated Site of Special Scientific Interest. 

As such, our Natural Coast is home to an incredible array of flora and fauna; from the rare natterjack toad to sand lizards and northern dune tiger beetle.

Everyday plastic objects can sadly become hazardous when found by wildlife. By taking all litter home or disposing of it properly in bins, the lives of many wildlife could be saved.

Cllr Ian Moncur, Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing at Sefton Council said: “Sefton’s Coast is an internationally protected nature reserve, and we need your help to keep it that way. Taking all litter and belongings home after a trip to one of our beaches is a simple and easy way to protect this precious landscape.

“We urge people considering a balloon or lantern release to research the safe and environmentally friendly alternatives that are just as beautiful and special.”