Councillor calls for Network Rail neighbourliness

simon shaw

Birkdale councillor, Simon Shaw, is calling for a new relationship between the town and Network Rail and believes there is more willingness for the company to listen to the community than in years gone by. 

He believes the time is right to forge closer links between the Council and the rail company for mutual benefit.

"The reality is that Network Rail are one of the largest landowners in Southport and their business impacts on everyone. Whether the issue is being held up at the crossing gates, the safety of barriers , the disposal of signal boxes, overhanging vegetation or installing telephone masts- their desire to be a good neighbour is critical.

They have very positively helped in turning the Station Master’s House into a replacement for the library in Birkdale closed by the Council. 

However, the general impression is of a huge, remote organisation ensconced in Manchester and London, composed of confusing range of departments and sections.

What would help enormously is a human face and presence around the table when Southport issues are discussed as a liaison point for the councillors and the community of Southport-  genuine two way communication. Looking at things simply from the operational point of view of the railway is too limited a perspective. 

For many citizens of Southport Network Rail is their closest and most obvious neighbour. Raising issues such as overhanging vegetation or railside problems can be a lengthy paper chase when it could be a conversation. The best and first way of solving a neighbour problem is to talk face to face with your neighbour.”

The Lib Dem councillor is writing to Network Rail to see if there is a real appetite for improving communication and accountability.