Damien Moore MP praises increase in additional police officers in Merseyside as crucial to reducing crime in Southport

cop safe

Damien Moore MP supports Merseyside Police cracking down on crime, as hundreds more officers recruited onto force.

Local Member of Parliament, Damien Moore, welcomes the news that communities across Merseyside, including Southport, will benefit from safer streets as hundreds more police officers are being recruited to help crack down on crime across the region.

This comes as the Government has now recruited 20,000 new police officers in England and Wales, confirming that the Conservative Party has delivered on its 2019 manifesto commitment to hire 20,000 additional officers, bringing the total number of officers to a new record high. This police uplift programme added 724 additional police officers to Merseyside Police within the last 3 years.

This recruitment represents the fulfilment of a key 2019 manifesto promise, and comes as part of a wider plan of action from the Conservatives to tackle crime across the nation, which is already driving results. Since 2010 crime has been cut by almost 50 per cent - with theft being reduced by 20 per cent, and domestic burglary by 30 per cent. 90,000 knives have also been taken off our streets through stop and search, surrender initiatives, and other targeted police action since 2019. 

The Government has invested a record amount in local police officers with a £17.2bn policing budget for 2023/24. The Police, Crime, Sentencing, and Courts Act will give new recruits and courts the powers they need to tackle serious crime head on, in order to ensure the safety of residents in Southport.

Damien Moore, Member of Parliament for Southport, said: 

“I’m delighted to hear that we now have 724 additional police officers on our streets, following a successful recruitment drive in Merseyside. Increasing numbers of police officers was a commitment in the Conservative manifesto, on which I stood at the general election, and which the British people overwhelmingly gave their backing. I'm pleased to see that the Conservative Government is successfully delivering on this commitment.”

“From meeting regularly with local policing leaders and working with our town's police force, I know just how valuable these additional officers will be in reducing crime in Southport and ensuring the safety of our neighbourhoods. As this staffing increase will also improve the ability to quickly respond to emergency calls, reassurance will be given to the law-abiding majority of residents that the police are always available to assist when needed.”

The Home Secretary, Rt Hon Suella Braverman KC MP, said:

“Everyone deserves to feel safe in their communities, on their streets and in their homes.

“Now we've delivered on our 2019 manifesto promise, with more than 20,000 new police officers.