Dukes Ward councillor John Pugh sees potential for a much-needed revival in Lord St. with new Art Deco-inspired hotel proposal


Dukes Ward councillor, John Pugh believes that if the plans for a new hotel on the site of the Garrick Theatre go ahead it could lead to a much needed revival at the south end of Lord St.  “If this development delivers, it could be a game changer’, he says. "Southport badly needs to improve it’s quality bedspace offer and this development has a touch of class.

What impresses is the concern by the developer to retain and exploit the Art Deco features and 'refurbish the existing event auditorium

Morecambe got a boost to tourism after the Midland Hotel was restored in true Art Deco style.

This harks back to the days when the Garrick presented itself in iconic Southport postcards as a distinctly up market venue. Even those of us who saw it in it’s bingo days knew there was something special about it."

"Everything needs to be looked at in detail”, says Cllr Pugh." Announcing the plans is always the easy bit, but it is good to see a developer who recognises Southport's heritage and aspirations. 

This is a building that started as an Opera House and ended up as Bingo Hall - becoming a Cinema and a Theatre in between. Anything that survived so many reincarnations has got to have something about it.”
The question is can the developer turn potential into reality.”

The full plans are available on Sefton’s planning portal here HERE https://pa.sefton.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=RUWV6ANWGFM00