Karen Potter appointed as a Director of Southport BID.


Highly-successful local business owner Karen Potter is looking forward to making a real difference to her hometown having been appointed as a Director of Southport BID.

Karen, the Managing Director of Karen Potter The Estate Agent, is relishing the chance to help the BID to attract more investment into the town, play a role in the diversification of the local economy and encourage more people to support their local businesses.

In November Karen was honoured as a champion of female enterprise in the UK, chosen to represent Southport at a special reception in Parliament to mark Global Entrepreneurship Week.

With over 40 years experience in her industry, she is a Fellow of the National Association of Estate Agents and has lived in Southport over 50 years.  She was twice elected Chairman of the Southport & District Surveyors and Estate Agents Association and is the main sponsor of the historic Craven Minor Junior Football League.

Karen said: “It was a lovely surprise when I was asked to become a Director at Southport BID.

“I have wanted to become more involved with the BID and I also want to put as much as I can into it.

“The BID does a huge amount to improve Southport and I’m really proud to be involved with them. I have seen the remarkable work they have achieved in the town and after meeting Rachel, the CEO, her enthusiasm is certainly infectious.

“I feel there is a lot I can bring to the role with a wealth of contacts and knowing so many people locally.  I have always loved our town and am really very happy to have what I anticipate will be a busy role.

“These are rapidly changing times in Southport, with new investment and many opportunities available for Southport to take advantage of.

“Southport has a wide range of properties with homes for first time buyers to huge £2m + luxury properties.  The town has so much to offer to people at all different stages without having to leave the town.

“It is one of the many reasons why people and businesses are attracted to come here.

“Southport BID has a big role to play in attracting new visitors and new investment, and it is important to show just what we have to offer.

“I love Southport. We have features that nowhere else has, such as beautiful Lord Street, the central point in the town – where else has something like that? The Victorian boulevard is stunning.

“There are brilliant events all year round such as Southport Flower Show, Southport Comedy Festival, Southport Air Show, Southport Jazz Festival, the Fireworks championship, the Southport Food and Drink festival….. there is always something for everyone to enjoy.

“Hidden gems, such as Southport Little Theatre, has a dedicated team of artists with a wide and varied program of shows.

“Lots of other seaside towns or mill towns have suffered through not adapting well since the 1950s and 1960s and they are finding recover a real challenge. However, Southport has so many advantages that other places don’t, we have to make the most of what we have here, and in a clever way.

“I know Southport BID is working hard to lead the diversification of the local economy, with the opening of the new Techedia offices earlier this year, the Southport Enterprise Arcade opening next year and some other superb creative, tech and digital businesses that are growing.

“We need to show the wider region that Southport is changing and has the capacity to change further and that this is an attractive place to relocate to, to start up in or to invest.”

Southport BID also plays a crucial role in encouraging people in the town to support their local businesses, through initiatives such as the Your Southport campaign, the Your Southport Stars Awards and the events and attractions held over the Christmas season.

Karen said: “I have been a business owner in Southport for many years now. We employ 12 people and we rely on local people for our success.

“That is a message we all need to get across to everyone, that supporting your town and supporting local businesses is so important for us all.”

Southport BID CEO Rachel Fitzgerald said: “I am delighted Karen has decided to join the Southport BID Board as she is a respected, successful businesswoman with a wealth of experience.

“Karen will be able to support the BID team to deliver the programmes which are most important to our business community.”