Kirkby Man Sentenced to 29 Months for Southport Break-in


A Kirkby man has been jailed for 29 months following a burglary at a house in Southport.

At around 2pm on Friday 5 April this year we received a report of a break-in at a house on Fylde Road in which a number of males were seen to enter the property armed with a sledgehammer and a crowbar. Damage was caused to a rear window during the incident.

The males were seen to leave the area in a white Mercedes car which was later recovered during an unconnected warrant on Brookdale Drive in Liverpool with the weapons inside.

Following enquiries Reece Owen, 24, of Cawthorne Avenue, Southdene, was arrested and charged with burglary.

He was jailed for 29 months onFriday 21 June, at Liverpool Crown Court.

Detective Inspector Kevin O’Rourke, from Operation Castle, our dedicated burglary unit said: “To be a victim of burglary can have a profound effect on the lives of victims and we are committed to finding the people responsible and bringing them to justice.

 “It was thanks to extensive investigation work that we able to locate the car and trace and identify Owen and today he is behind bars.”

DI O’Rourke added: “While Merseyside Police has a team of officers dedicated to preventing and detecting burglaries it’s worth having a look at the different ways you can make your homes unattractive targets for would-be criminals. Advice is available on our website for locks, cameras and other measures to bring greater security and peace of mind.”

For more information, see here: and for more, follow our force social media accounts @MerseyPolice on Twitter and Merseyside Police on Facebook and your local account.

Always call 999 if a burglary is in progress. You can also pass information to the social media desk @MerPolCC on Twitter, 'Merseyside Police Contact Centre' on Facebook, call 101 or the independent charity @CrimestoppersUK anonymously, on 0800 555 111.