Labour MP Accused of Letting Down Southport's Elderly

warm fire oap heat gas

Southport Lib Dems say that the Labour MP has let down the town’s pensioners as he voted with the government today to controversially cut the winter fuel allowance.

Latest analysis by the Lib Dems shows that 20,270 residents in Southport could be at risk of losing out on the winter payment of between £200 and £300.  

Lib Dem Cllr Simon Shaw, commented: “Stripping support from many of the poorest pensioners in our area just when energy bills are set to rise again is simply wrong. It could force vulnerable elderly people in our community to choose between eating and heating this winter.

“By voting for this the new Labour MP has let down the town’s pensioners. Limiting payments to those on pension credit will mean the majority of pensioners below the poverty line are going to lose out.”