Lib Dems Call for Further Government Support for Struggling Southport Businesses


Southport Lib Dems have tabled a question for the Sefton Council meeting on the 12th September asking if the Council has spoken to the government about getting further support for local businesses.

This follows a stark drop in footfall for August following the tragic events of the 29th July.  Cllr Mike Sammon, Lib Dem Councillor for Cambridge Ward, has tabled the question.

Mike commented: “The strength of the Southport community in the wake of July’s horrific attack leaves me with great optimism for the future of our town. I’ve heard so many people saying that they now want to visit Southport after seeing what a great community we have. Southport does need visitors, we were built as a seaside resort. We must embrace being a tourist destination.

“Local businesses held fundraising events for the victims and their families, they raised awareness of how we can help everyone affected. Local businesses, alongside residents turned up on St Luke’s Road where I live at the crack of dawn to clear up the mess left by the rioters and rebuild the Mosque wall. They didn’t have to be asked, they just turned up quietly and got on with the job.

“What local businesses haven’t been talking about is how for many it’s been a really tough month with a stark drop in footfall for August. Now they need our help to make up for it.”

John Pugh, Southport Lib Dem leader and Cllr for Dukes Ward, added: “We want to work closely with the council to make sure that business are getting the support they need. This isn’t simply a question of money, it’s also about imagination and having a retail strategy fit for the future.

“Business were struggling and closing before the attacks. It’s clear that now there will need to be thought given to how our town is marketed and how best we can convey the positive image of community spirit that so many have seen over the last few tragic weeks.”