Local Councillors Welcome New Defibrillator at Crossens Community Centre
Crossens Lib Dem Councillors John Dodd, Gareth Lloyd Johnson and Lauren Keith have welcomed the new defibrillator at Crossens Community Centre, which has been funded through a combination of council ward funds and a Department of Health & Social Care fund for defibrillators in community spaces.
Cllr Gareth Lloyd-Johnson, said “It’s good to see government funding go towards defibrillators in the community, making them more affordable.”
Cllr John Dodd, added: “Defibrillators can literally mean the difference between life and death and we are delighted to have been able to contribute towards it.”
Cllr Lauren Keith, added: “The Community Association is a vibrant place, home to lots of sporting and social events so it’s great to see that we now have a defibrillator in place.”
Photo attached is of the Councillors with the new defibrillator