Merry Christmas from Woodlands Animal Sanctuary near Southport

2021 has been one of the toughest years ever for Woodlands Animal Sanctuary, but thanks to your support they are still here to tell the tale.  They would therefore like to take this opportunity to thank you for all of your support, however big or small and in whatever format that took.  Without the help and support of every single person who has joined them in their fight to remove the pain and suffering of wildlife and pets in the Lancashire area it may have been a very different story for this local, independent charity and the animals who so desperately rely on them.

Although, the charity has had to make some very difficult decisions this year to help them weather this storm, it is without a doubt, down to the time and donations people have given them that has allowed them to continue their life saving work.

The amount of support they have received from their local community, local businesses and larger charities such as The Pets at Home Foundation, has not only given them the funds to continue, but also the boost that people are behind them and want to help them succeed in their quest to relieve the suffering of wildlife and pets.

The dedicated team of Animal Carers, the board of Trustees and their army of committed volunteers all wish to share their gratitude to everyone who has supported them in the last year, during what has been another extremely difficult year for everybody.  They would like to wish you all a very happy, peaceful and safe Christmas, where you can hopefully spend time with your loved ones and see the friends and family that you want to over the festive period.

The team will continue their work, right through the festive period, because animals still need the same level of care on Christmas Day, as they do on a normal day.  The straws have been drawn for who will do the night checks on Christmas Day and Boxing Day etc and they are set to make sure the animals in their care have the best Christmas possible.

So, from everyone at Woodlands Animal Sanctuary, thank you, thank you, thank you, for your support over the last 12 months, have a wonderful festive period and they hope to see you again in the New Year!  Best Wishes!