Merseyside Police Prepared to Handle Potential Protests

Sussex violent protest

Assistant Chief Constable Jenny Sims has released a statement on speculation of more protest in Merseyside.

Assistant Chief Constable Jenny Sims said: “We are aware of online speculation surrounding future protests in Merseyside and I want our communities to be assured that we are fully prepared to deal with anyone intent on causing disorder.

“This week, we have sadly witnessed the violence and harm caused by large-scale disorder up and down the country, including in our own community in Southport.

“We have also seen the brilliant and heartening response from the very people who live in these communities as they take it upon themselves to help clean-up the destruction and mess left behind. It’s clear that the people of Merseyside stand united against anyone who is intent on causing fear, destruction and violence.

“The disrespect that they showed towards victims and grieving families and the community is despicable, and I want to reassure residents that we are fully prepared for any possible disorder in the future.
“Police and our partners also want to remind people of the dangers of misinformation and speculation online and how it can have real world consequences that put innocent people in harm’s way.

“People who maliciously spread misinformation wants to cause division and hatred in our communities and it’s completely unacceptable.
“I would continue to ask people to be mindful of the damage that such actions can cause and to always question the source of information when viewing anything on social media.

“Finally, I want to make this absolutely clear: anyone who intends to cause future damage and harm to our communities will be dealt with robustly, using all our available powers.

“There are extensive plans and considerable police resources in place to quickly deal with anyone intent on causing disorder over the coming days. We will look to bring to justice every person who is identified committing criminal damage and acts of violence against police staff, officers and our communities.”
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