Mindless vandals damage cars in Millars Pace and Truro Ave in Southport

Mindless vandals have damaged cars in Millars Pace and Truro Avenue during the night. A tar like substance has been poured over some cars while others have been keyed.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Merseyside police or Crimestoppers.


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Just been speaking with a neighbour, it’s taken him half an hour to get the stuff off and found that that the car has been keyed on 3 panels !!

it’s like a tar type stuff, really hard to get off

That's hubby's car on the right when he'd been trying to wipe the stuff off for a while. It was much worse than showing here. He also found the tip of a blade lying by the car. Looks like the gobshites may have started to scratch his car and the tip broke off. I don't know if it's even worth calling the police as they would probably say there's no evidence to pursue.