Norwood and Kew Candidates Jo Barton and Vic Foulds Focus Campaign on Local NHS Concerns

lib dems

Local elections are more often than not about potholes and parking but two candidates are prepared to do some things differently this time. Jo Barton and Vic Foulds, Lib Dem candidates for Norwood and Kew are determined to put the focus very much on health and to work together to sound the alarm about the local NHS.

According to Jo, the idea emerged when it became apparent from doorstep and phone contacts that access to local health services and prompt responses from emergency services was no longer something people were taking for granted. 

“ Since Covid”, Jo says, “ people are getting very nervous as the NHS struggles to meet increasing demand. The visit to your local GP for reassurance and advice is no longer a given with a phone call being now the norm. In the last Healthwatch survey 66% were unsatisfied with local access arrangements. With a GP in Southport having on average 2000 patients each, a return to old ways is most unlikely and not being encouraged by NHS bosses.
 It is important though to identify those who are not being well served by the new processes and do something about it.

 GPs themselves worry about the service deteriorating into 'call centre medicine’ , missing out personal and face to face contact.”

 According to Vic Foulds who has worked in the care system. “People are unaware that the Council has primary responsibility for public health and is supposed to monitor local health services on behalf of the community- that’s everything from ambulances to psychiatric services. A town like Southport has thousands of people with chronic and severe ailments interacting with the NHS each week. 

That’s why it’s such a major issue and spotting the weaknesses is so important.”

 Both Jo and Vic support  the Liberal Democrat policy of giving patients a legal guarantee of face to face appointment with their GP within 7 days, if needed, and will be testing support for that policy during the local election campaign.