Norwood Primary's Holistic Education Approach Hailed by Southport MP


Southport MP commented...

I visited Norwood Primary School yesterday with headteacher Mr Lee Dumbell and Cllr Mhairi Doyle.
It’s a welcoming school community and has a record to be proud of. It was inspiring to see how the school has grown to accommodate 3 forms, up from 2, reflecting the increasing demand as it remains oversubscribed year after year.

Under the dedicated leadership of Mr. Dumbell, who has served as headteacher for 16 years, Norwood has developed a holistic approach to education. They truly focus on the whole child, offering opportunities not just in academics but in areas like languages, music, politics, and their forest school.

Like many of the schools across Southport, they are supporting children who were affected by the horrific attack on 29th July earlier this year. Thank you to all the teachers who have supported the families through this difficult time.

SEND provision is a topic of conversation with many of the schools I have visited and was mentioned again when visiting Norwood. It needs reform, and I will seek to raise this issue in parliament.
It was great to hear about the involvement of Class captains in helping shape the future of the school—what a fantastic way to encourage student voice!
Thank you, Norwood, for such an insightful visit!