Op Centurion is tackling anti-social driving across Lancashire.


The number of warnings issued to those using a vehicle in a manner causing distress, alarm or annoyance to others have almost doubled since Lancashire Constabulary added anti-social driving to Op Centurion in April.

The 97% increase in section 59 warnings compares to the same period last year. They apply to both the driver and the vehicle for 12months, during which time repeated careless or anti-social driving can lead to immediate vehicle seizure by the police.

Op Centurion is the countywide response to anti-social behaviour (ASB).  This intelligence-led operation utilises dedicated ASB cars operated by Specialist Operations' Advanced Drivers to patrol and target anti-social driving hotspots in Lancashire.

Lancashire Constabulary’s Assistant Chief Constable Karen Edwards said:

“This operation started in April and we have already seen some excellent results, for example an 61% increase in traffic offence reports for mobile phone use while driving, 18% increase in section 165s and nearly double the amount of section 59s compared to the same period last year.
“We will continue to listen to our communities and target ASB that affects our local residents, as well as tackling the ASB on our roads."
“Anti-social behavior can cause misery to those impacted and has the potential to cause a significant amount of harm.
“We have been working incredibly hard to tackle these issues over the last year and our efforts are paying off with ASB down by 5% across the county and 13% within our hotspot areas which have benefitted from additional resources funded by the Home Office.”

Commissioner Clive Grunshaw added:

"Anti-social driving is a real concern for residents and targeting those who use our roads in a selfish and dangerous manner is an important step to make Lancashire safer.
"It's great to see these positive results and I'm sure they will send a clear message to offenders who must know that crime and ASB, even at low level, will be punished.
"I am keen to build on this success, both in ASB hotspots and beyond and I'm committed to supporting Lancashire Constabulary to take firm action.”

Op Centurion also aims to ensure that residents know how to report other forms of ASB to the relevant authority, which isn't always the police. Reporting options can be found on the dedicated web page – LancashireTacklingASB.co.uk

Information can also be passed to independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111. You can also call 101 or 999 in an emergency.