Outrage as Sefton Council Scraps Public Publishing of Planning Feedback

Southport Town Hall

Comments from residents on planning applications will no longer be publicly available on Sefton Council’s website in a blow to planning transparency. The move to more secrecy was confirmed in the answer to a written question from Meols Ward Councillor Gareth Lloyd-Johnson at last week’s full council meeting. Councillor Lloyd-Johnson asked;


'We have been told that it is now the policy of the Planning Department not to publish

comments made by members of the public on the Planning Portal. Can the member

tell me;


a. On what date did this become the department's policy?

b. Who was consulted before this decision was made?

c. What was the rationale behind this decision?'


The answer confirmed that the new policy had been quietly introduced in April, with no consultation of councillors or the public.

Public comments allowed residents to see that there views were being considered as part of a planning application and often encouraged other residents to have their say. In this way, it was an important part of the democratic process and the Council’s transparency.


Publishing of public comments was introduced in 2021. The explanation excuses the decision by saying that, “[t]here is a substantial amount of redacting required”. It goes on to say that comments can be, “inspected by appointment”.


There is no recognition that this option, which can only be done in person at the Council’s Magdalen House, is vastly different to residents being able to read and consider comments at a time, and in a place, convenient for them.


Councillor Gareth Lloyd-Johnson said, “I think this decision is a real mistake which will weaken confidence in a planning system that many people already feel is weighted against them. Less transparency will only create more frustration. That it is put down to essentially being too much work brings into question resource allocation within the department.”

Councillor Lauren Keith added, “We have had a number of contentious planning applications in Meols Ward and have worked with residents to make sure that they could have their say. Being able to see comments from other residents often helped them to understand the practical implications more clearly and feel confident making their own comments. Losing this will exclude more residents from the process, making it less transparent.”


Councillor John Dodd, who sits on the Planning Committee, added, “I am surprised that this decision was made with no consultation with the Planning Committee, other councillors or the public. The Planning Portal was a useful tool for the public, who we meant to serve, but this seems  to have not been considered.”