Southport based Indie games developer Fallen Planet Studios receives financial boost with £500k investment

Southport-based indie games developer, Fallen Planet Studios, has received a £500,000 investment ahead of its latest release.
Creative UK is growing the games portion of its Creative Growth Finance portfolio with this latest investment.
Fallen Planet Studios now joins Huey Games and Futurlab in the 27-strong portfolio.
The Southport studios specialises in the creation of immersive games and experiences for Virtual Reality (VR).
Formed in 2013, the studio was one of the world’s first games companies to focus solely on VR and, in 2022, saw it recognised by a panel of judges in the META Games Industry Index for both innovation and longevity.
In addition to gaining investment from Creative UK, Fallen Planet Studios is a member of Creative Enterprise’s Evolve cohort – the investment-readiness programme for screen-based companies.
Nick Cavander, investment manager, Creative UK, said: “We’re thrilled to welcome Fallen Planet Studios to the Creative Growth Finance portfolio to support their continued growth and development of their VR games offering.
“Our £500,000 investment will help Fallen Planet build on the success of their original IP as they head towards the next release from their franchise, AFFECTED: The Asylum. This new release will include multi-player functionality, bringing added value and enjoyment for players of this already compelling game narrative.”
Alex Moretti, CEO, Fallen Planet Studios, said the financial boost will enable the business to expand on the great work it has done over the past seven years and deliver even more outstanding VR gaming experiences to players worldwide.
He added: “This investment will be used to build out our original AFFECTED IP and is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team to date. We’re excited for the future as we continue to innovate within the space and strive to be at the forefront of the VR games market.”