Southport Knife Attack Leads to Downing Street Protests


People have thrown flares towards the gates of Downing Street at a protest in the wake of the Southport knife attack and riot.

A few hundred protesters chanting "Rule Britannia", "save our kids" and "stop the boats" attempted to leave the pavement opposite in defiance of strict Metropolitan Police conditions (see 18.32 post).

One image shows a crowd of protesters holding their fists in the air, while another shows three police vans lined up in front of The Cenotaph.

The right-wing protest held in the wake of last night's Southport riot, which is being called Enough Is Enough, started around 7pm.

It comes after violence broke out in Southport last night following false reports that the suspect arrested in connection with Monday's knife attack was an asylum seeker. 

Source Sky