Southport Officers Crackdown on Park Avenue Speeders

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At the request of local residents, Neighbourhood Officers from Southport Police Station conducted a Roads Policing Spotlight Operation on Thursday 13th June, on the 20MPH limited Park Avenue in Southport.
During this operation they issued just 1 ticket for speeding, with the lowest speed a driver was stopped for being 32MPH and the highest speed being 38MPH, almost double the speed limit. Eight other drivers were stopped and given words of advice and made aware that, in future, they could also receive tickets.

The Operation was conducted by two Neighbourhood PCSO’s (One operating the speed detection device and the other scribing), one Neighbourhood sergeant and three Police Constables, all of whom were on day shifts this week. One of the Constables is a student officer, who was in company with his tutor Constable. This gave capacity for cars to be stopped safely and for two cars to be stopped and drivers spoken to at the same time, when required.
The Operation started at 9:20am and was completed by 10:30am, when Officers resumed other duties.