Southport Pier Closure Causing Increased Risks: Lib Dem Leader Warns of New Dangers Emerging


Although the Pier is reputedly being closed for safety reasons, there are new risks emerging because it is NOT open. That’s the view of Lib Dem leader, John Pugh. Cllr. Pugh has been alerted to increased congestion in front of the Pier as crowds that would normally spread down the Pier jostle for space with motorbikes and Road Trains in a confined area.

 “The bikes and the blocked access to the Pier make it difficult for the operators of the road train to manoeuvre safely. Although operators are well trained and acutely aware of the safety issues, badly placed bikes have been toppled at times. That is unfortunate, but owners of bikes can understand the risks. 

The bigger worry is the child or a distracted parent pushing a pushchair in a limited space."

 A sunny weekend will see the area in front of Silcocks chocker, but with the small section of the Pier still open deserted, as people just confront a grim blank wall with a notice on.   

  “This isn’t just a problem brought about by a closed pier, ” stresses Cllr.Pugh, “ but it is a situation clearly aggravated by pier closure and it would be ironic if a concern for public safety on the Pier lead to an incident in front of it. "

 That’s another reason to back the petition pressing for a Pier re-opening as soon as possible. It already has significant public support (see HERE) ."

  Thousands of visitors make a beeline to the Pier over the summer- most expecting it to be open. Taking out 1000 metres of Pier space for them to spread along has consequences. We don’t want an accident to a child to be one of those consequences."