Southport Residents Hold Vigil Rallying for Gaza Ceasefire


A vigil by up to 100 Southport residents yesterday, called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and for the government to stop military aid to Israel. Angry residents held banners and flags outside the Atkinson.

 Some of the residents also handed out leaflets outside Barclays Bank to highlight what they say is that bank's complicity in investing £1 billion in companies which supply arms and military technology to Israel, which are then used in the massacre of Palestinian civilians in Gaza.

 The protesters were read the words of Mosab Abu Tohab who said,

"We don't have an army in Palestine. Those who love us, those who protest in order to protect us, are our army.  Make this stop, our most powerful army!"

A vigil is held every other Saturday outside the Atkinson. The next will be Saturday 13 July at 12pm to 1pm.