Two People Rescued Trying to Walk from Southport to Blackpool


The Southport Lifeboat Quads and Inshore Lifeboat were tasked by Holyhead Coastguard to assist two people attempting to walk to Blackpool from Southport.

The Quads entered the beach at the old Rainfords sandworks track, whilst the ILB made its way to the launch site to provide cover on the water as the tide was about to start flooding.

Our UAS team also flew our drone to help search from the air.
The Quad team crossed the Penfold Channel and located the casualties on sands of the Great Bank, almost at Lytham.

The casualties, who were in good spirits, were brought back to Rainfords Track and handed over to HM Coastguard Southport.
With the casualties safely off the beach, our units were all stood down and returned to station.

We'd like to remind people that whilst at low water it looks like a flat walk to Blackpool or Lytham from Southport, it is not possible to make it across, and the walk should not be attempted.
Ultimately, the River Ribble channel, which is approximately 5 miles North of Southport Pier, blocks the way. But there are also numerous other channels, gullies, areas of soft sand and thick mud along the route that make the area trecherous.
Also, at certain states of tide, the water can come in as fast as you can walk, or even come in around behind you if you're on a raised area of ground.
Our Quad team regularly trains North of Southport Pier on a landscape that changes after every tide.
It takes years of learning for a crew member to become a Quad Leader, and command a Quad team on a rescue at Southport.
The following videos have been produced by the Southport Lifeboat to highlight the dangers of Southport beach.