Unleashed and Uncontrolled: Southport Takes Stronger Stance on Dog Regulations


Following recent complaints on our social media posts around Bedford Park and other reports about out-of-control dogs around the Kings Gardens area, officers from the Local Policing Team have been out again today with our partners from @seftoncouncil educating on and enforcing the Dog Control Public Space Protection Order.

PSPOs are under legislation and put in place by the council to protect open spaces such as Sefton’s parks and coastal areas from crime and anti-social behaviour.

In Bedford Park the PSPO creates certain areas where dogs can legally be walked if on a lead and under control, and designates other areas where dogs are forbidden.

Each park also has a designated green space where dogs can roam off the lead and enjoy the park safely.  
Other parks in Crosby and Waterloo were also visited and members of the public spoken to at length on the importance of dogs being kept under control in our shared public spaces.

Multiple Fixed Penalty Notices have been issued to dog owners with their dogs in dog free zones such as children’s play parks.  

This is part of Sefton’s wider goal to reduce to dog bites and dog related incidents. In the UK, around 9,000 people annually are admitted to hospitals with dog bite injuries (figures as of 2023). We would like to remind everyone of the importance of responsible dog ownership to reduce these numbers and maintain public safety.