Vandals throw benches from Southport Pier


Mindless vandals have climbed onto the closed Southport Pier and thrown the benches belonging to the Pier Pavillion into the bushes below.

Commenting on Facebook the owners said...

In yet another blow to our business, our furniture outside our lovely pit stop (by the skate park) has been tossed over the side and into the nettle bushes. WHY??!!

More importantly….where are the security that Sefton Council pay a healthy yearly salary to? Security that we allow to use one of our units for refuge at no benefit to ourselves whatsoever. Our unit that was brand new and now most definitely is not. Despite many requests by ourselves, the security still come on shift too late and leave too early (times set by the council) and miss all of the antisocial behaviour.

We now have the task of recovering our furniture that we spent £300 a set on in the summer before we were ruthlessly closed down without warning.